What the heck is Distant Light Running?
You’ve probably read my explanation of Light Running… If not, pop over there to understand what it it is!
As for Distant Light Running, it’s identical except for one thing – you aren’t in my office! You are laying down on your bed, sitting in a quiet place or even talking to me from a hospital waiting room!
How in the world does that work?
I think this is my number one question! Basically, from a purely practical standpoint, I pretend you are on my table and I can feel the energy immediately. I doesn’t matter if you’re next door or if you’re across the universe, energetically, when I tap in, I feel the energy in a way that I’ve asked for it to be felt.
Pretty straightforward, right? LOL!
Here’s another take… As I was working on one client, she said, “Oh! I get it! If I believe in God and that He can be anywhere at any time, why can’t I believe in energy having the ability to be felt instantaneously?” The wording is a bit different than what I would use, but I love her analogy!
What should you do?
- Find a quiet place to lay down (or sit very comfortably). I find that being very comfortable allows you to really sink in.
- Wear headphones or have your phone on speaker. I find headphones to be far more immersive, but either will work.
- Play relaxing music, if you’d like to. Of course, the headphones may prevent you from hearing it!
- What if you can’t because of circumstances? That’s fine! Just be sure to avoid relaxing on a lawn with automatic sprinklers, as one client found out! LOL!
What will I do?
- I will call you at the beginning of your appointment.
- If you are a first time client, I will typically chat with you for a few minutes before we begin so that you can share any experiences you have with energy work and I can share the intentions of my work. We will also chat about any triggers/issues/discomfort you are feeling so that I can help guide you to the perfect session.
- After chatting, I will have you get comfortable, if you aren’t already.
- I will either do a standard session or we will pull cords based on our conversations
- At the end of the session, I’ll give you a synopsis of what I learned during your session.
- At the end of the session, I’ll give you a synopsis of what I learned during your session. We may chat for a few minutes… And if you are new, I’m happy to answer any additional questions.
- And after our phone call, you will receive a clearly written wrap-up of what we discussed over the phone as well as any further notes that I feel may be of help. You will see that in your inbox within around 24 hours. Always get in touch if you don’t see it! Usually it is in your spam folder…
Do you still have more questions?
Get in touch! I’m happy to answer any questions you might have.
Ready to book your Distant Light Running Session?
Head on over to my booking page! Feeling technically challenged? Text or email me your preferences. This may take a bit longer if I’m busy with other clients, though! Oh! And don’t forget to include your email/phone number with your text or email to me so I can get you booked more quickly!